Things to Do in February | San Sebastián
Kicking off February's edition of things to do in San Sebastián....basically a list of everything yours truly would if I had the time. Enjoy...after all, you're in the Capital of Culture!
- february 4 ::: EL NINO DEL ELCHE ::: Experimental flamenco. Enough said. And if not, Best Spanish Album 2015 by El País. (Dabadaba, 20:30, €12/€15)
- february 8 ::: GHOST NUMBER & HIS TIPSY GYPSIES ::: As part of a free concert series presenting local groups who will play in the summer jazz festival, Jazzaldi, one of my favorite local groups is playing. These guys are headed up by Iñaki Lopez, brother of Dabadaba founder Alex Lopez, and their sound is lovely, textured, and packed with Americana references. (Victoria Eugenia, 20:00, FREE)
- february 9 & 11 ::: CARNAVALES ::: Parades & wild parties throughout the city.
- february 11 ::: TIME MACHINE SOUP ::: This much-talked-about and lauded DSS2016 initiative promises to be a time machine with soup as the conductor. Interesting...several dates to choose from (Tabakalera, 22:00, €18)
- february 13 ::: TULSA ::: A great Spanish pop band that comes recommended for one my Faces of Culture (Intxaurrondo K.E., 22:00, €12)
- february 14 ::: CHRISTINA ROSENVINGE ::: A big name in Spanish pop/rock, with just that right touch of vintage. If there were such a thing as a predecessor to Lana Del Rey in Spanish, she would perhaps fit the bill. (Victoria Eugenia, 19:00, €18)
- february 17 ::: EUROPEAN DIALOGUES ::: A series of debates organized by a friend, European Dialogues brings into focus important issues within the European and global community. This one is about migration politics, with guest star Joanna Anneke Rummens from the University of Toronto. (Museo San Telmo, 19:00, FREE)
- february 21 ::: ¡ACERCATE A LOS GRANDES COMPOSITORES! ::: This edition of the series promoted by the local music school, Musikene, will be devoted to introducing us to composers who have changed the course of music over at least 50 years. This round is devoted to Helmut Lachenmann. (Victoria Eugenia, 19:00, €5)
- february 26 ::: CENA SECRETA ::: The return of a young, dynamic Swiss chef to San Sebastián, for a unique & special dinner. (details to come)
- february 27 ::: CENA MEXICANA ::: Details are still forthcoming, but five top Mexican chefs will be coming to Donosti to put on a special dinner documenting the three ages of Mexican cooking. (details to come)
- february 28 ::: VERMUTEKE, VOL XVII ::: Another fiesta from the International Society for the Preservation and Enjoyment of Vermut: this one in conjunction with Bruce McClure, a Brooklyn artist who uses old movie reels like a DJ spins vinyl. (Tabakalera, 12.00, FREE)
- all february ::: EXPOSICIÓN SOKA ::: A roving exhibition that looks at Basque dance from different mediums point of view. (Koldo Mitxelena, 11-2, 4-8, FREE)
If there's something I missed, please leave a comment or shoot me an email for future editions.