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Things to Do in July | San Sebastián

Back just in time for summer! If you are heading to San Sebastián in July, enjoy this edition of things to do in San Sebastián....basically a list of everything yours truly would if I had the time, from art to music to eat.


  • july 2 ::: MERCADABADILLO ::: Like every first Sunday of the month, Dabadaba puts a hold on their too-cool-for-escuela concert schedule and hosts a little market in a nice ambience. (Dabadaba, 12:00-2:00, FREE)
  • july 2 ::: FIESTAS DE IGELDO ::: The last day of the San Pedro celebration in Igeldo is a strong lineup: Tortilla de Patata championship, a group aurresko, and a small romería (Igeldo, 12pm onwards, FREE)
  • july 14 ::: VIVE LE VIN ::: Celebrate Bastille Day at Club Mimo, with their monthly meeting of wine lovers.  They'll be tasting their way across France and mixing it with paired dishes at their cooking school. (Mimo San Sebastián, 8:30pm, 35€)
  • july 15 ::: GYOTAKU WORKSHOP ::: So you come to San Sebastian to eat a lot of fish... why not learn the art of stamping with them?. (Undermount, 10am and 3pm, 40€)
  • july 15-16 ::: XVII REGATA DE VELA ::: This international race has two routes, one that goes the 32 miles from Hendaye to San Sebastián and one that happens just in the bay. Grab a sandwich and a seat on the beach, port or Urgull to watch from afar. (Bahia de La Concha, FREE)
  • july 19 ::: EUSKAL HERRIKO GAZTE ORKESTRA ::: The youth orchestra of Basque Country performs symphonic versions of West Side Story in one of the city's best venues. (Victoria Eugenia Theater, 8pm, 10€)
  • july 20-25 ::: HEINEKEN JAZZALDIA::: Everyone's favorite festival.  These are beautiful days, often smattered with rain (but hey, that's Donostiarra life), of concerts on the beach and in bars across town. Everyone from jazz greats to up-and-comers to people who aren't really jazz players but are big names fun to watch as the sun goes down behind Urgull. I'll see you Friday at The Pretenders. (FREE)
  • july 23 ::: ROXYFITNESS ::: A triathlon of sorts for the modern-day female sort-of-athlete. A short race, a yoga session on the beach, and then a stand up paddle experience.  Pick and choose which you'd like to participate in. (Ondarreta, 9am, 8-10€)
  • all july ::: HELENE DARROZE POP-UP ::: The French chef returns to the Hotel Maria Cristina for her pop-up restaurant, your chance to experience an extra few Michelin stars in the city's constellation  (Hotel Maria Cristina, June-October, starting at 100€)

If there's something I missed, or if you go to one of the events and particularly enjoyed it or have a funny story to tell, please leave a comment or shoot me an email.